Favorite Room

My favorite room in my house is my bedroom. I love it more than any other room because I have my bed. I love to sleep, it is my favorite thing to do other than sports. It also has a tv which I love. Watching tv in the middle of the night on a Friday is my almost favorite thing to do. It also has video games that I can play when I am bored. Or if I am having a bad day. And if I feel like doing something but don’t wanna get out of my room. I have a mini basketball hoop that I can shoot on. I love playing against my friends with the mini hoop, it’s a fun way to stay active and gain bragging rights. These are all the reasons why my bedroom is my favorite room!

20% project – Week 1 – research

Today is my first day of my twenty percent project. And I think it’s going pretty good! I have made quite some accomplishments during my time. Which includes, researching and finding recipes. For my research I found out why proteins and carbs help the body. To put it short, proteins help regrow muscle after being damaged from workouts. And carbs help give energy to your body to keep you moving. For my recipe I took notes for a flat iron, pan seared steak. Yummy!🤤 I got the ingredients and took notes on how to make it. I am thinking of making the cooking video tomorrow or Wednesday. I am still making more research on nutrition and am probably going to finish those on Wednesday or Thursday. And start planning for how to make the cooking video. Then game plan for the next cooking video. And if i am done with that. I will get started on the next cooking video.

Famous Dinner

If i could have three people have dinner with me these are who would be invited. First, Kevin Hart I would pick him because he is funny and cool to hangout with. He loves making jokes and making everyone laugh, he would be a good vibe at the dinner table. Second, The Rock. I love hearing him and Kevin argue all the time. It’s ridiculous on what they argue about too. It’s so random! Third, Jerry Rice. I would love to hear how he achieved his goals and how he became the best Wide receiver in the NFL! If i had a choice to pick a restaurant, I would choose Texas De Brazil because it’s really good and i have a gift card for the restaurant so. Less money!

My Dream Job

If I could have any job in the world, I would be in the National Football League/NFL. One reason for this choice is how it pays good money, most players in the NFL make a hefty amount of money, almost fifty thousand a week! So if I play a season which is 18 weeks. I would make nine hundred thousand a season plus if your famous and do ads you could make over a million! My second reason is because football is fun! If you enjoy your job then you would never have to work in your life. I get excited when I get to run around with people. And I love playing football. My last reason is because of friends I can make. For instance, you can’t make friends in your boring office job so for me to play with friends and getting paid for doing it. I think that’s a pretty good deal.


I have been granted invisibility for twenty four hours! Hears what i would do. First i would Rob a bank so our family can be rich and could buy anything we want! Second i would swim into an aquarium to look at all the aquatic animals and try and record it so it looks really cool and could get really famous for that. And third i would start scaring people. it feels like necessary to be scaring people you know? If you aren’t scaring people by being a hallucination or ghost. I don’t know what you are doing in your day as invisible.

Stranded on an Island

Oh no! My plane crashed and I got stranded on an island with other surviving passengers. I thought I was going to be tough but actually, it’s not so bad. First all of us had jobs, for example. A group would catch fish for food and bait. A group would throw away trash. And a group would build the boat that would carry us away to safety. We would switch these tasks weekly. I am the head of this crew and watch over and help with tasks. We only have 2 times to eat so the population of the animals we hunt stay stable. We only have crabs, pigs, and sheep’s. We don’t kill the sheep because we need wool to make blankets. Once we were a month in on our island, all was going well until a thunder storm came through. It wreaked havoc all over the island and some of our crew went missing. After this tragic and sorrowful event our crew finally decided. That it was time to get out of here. We worked days and nights on the boat. Until it was finally finished. We packed up our food and blankets. And headed out on a wet adventure. The waves were huge but our boat was bigger and more tolerant. Just as we thought our boat was going to break in half. Luck was on our side and a giant wave took us all the way to a beach in Hawaii. “Home at last!” We all screamed. Our crew got reunited with their families, and I got with mine.

My Perplexed Subterranean Fumigated Home

It was a regular day at school. All boring, nothing fun to do. The last class of the day, math. The worst class ever. It was like getting burned alive. I would do anything to get out of his class. It has been one hour… or so i thought. My teacher was still rambling on about proportions and unit rates, and my head was getting dizzy. Just and i thought my head would pop. Ding! Ding! Ding! The bell has rang! I was about to scream in joy. I ran out as quickly as possible, hoping there wouldn’t be a crowd at the bike racks. The crowd was just starting to form which gave me enough time to get my bike, and get out of there. I got home, incredibly perplexed as my once normal subterranean home was getting fumigated.

Dumbledore Quote

“Happiness can be found even in the darkest of times, when only one remembers to turn on the light.” I picked this quote because it relates to me. This quotes reminds me of when we are losing in a football game and one of our teammates hypes us up so we can push through the game without being all sour pants. And when our teammate hypes us up. All of us feel happy and energized. It might even push us to win the game.

Who I Admire

Somebody that i really admire is my dad. He is really inspiring because he played high school football and inspired me to do so. He also coached me almost my whole life. I am very grateful for my dad and hope that we can do more things like this. He plays video games like me and he lets me watch movies or shows with him.


My word of intention for 2024 is rest. There are a few reasons I am going to focus on this word this year. I need rest so I can have enough energy to get through the day, to be productive and talkative.

I would also need rest for sports. Normally my games are early in the morning and I normally need at least a bit more rest to go full power in the game.

I would also need rest for mental health, normally if you don’t get enough rest it will take a toll on your mental health. And who doesn’t want more sleep?