Trading Places

I would trade places with a YouTuber named Surronster for so many reasons. He has many e-bikes, and I love e-bikes. I would love to ride with friends all day. He also has a lot of money and who doesn’t want to spend some dough? Surronster also has fun inventions in his garage that I could play around with. Like makeshift go karts and really fast kids motorcycles. I would be overjoyed to be Surronster for a day.

The Perfect Day for Me

It would be a dream to have a perfect day and it would go like this. I would wake up on a weekday but school got cancelled. So I go out of my bedroom all dressed and a surprise is waiting for me. An e bike that I have always wanted. I then would come outside to ride my new e bike with friends. It would be a lot of people at the ride out and we would have so much fun. Then I come back and eat bacon and rice, my favorite! I would then play a game of pickup basketball with my friends. After I would go play video games like Call Of Duty or Fortnite. Then my friends would sleep over and play game like hide and seek. After that we then go on a night ride out and have lots of fun. We then sleep after an exhausting day of fun.

My Forever Age

Being twenty-four forever would be enjoyable. Twenty-four is a good age because it’s when you normally finish growing and you have your peak body, like you’re all muscular you’d look the best you’d ever look. You would’ve also matured by then. It is also when you get out of college to pursue your dream. Like the NFL, Scientists, Teachers, etc. Being twenty-four would be the perfect age for me.

My Favorite Things

I love many things from video games to e-bikes. Here are my favorite things. I love playing Fortnite, Call Of Duty, and GTA. I love amusement parks like Knott’s Berry Farm, Disney Land, and Six Flags. I love football it’s super active and it’s a great workout. Playing games is a blast and scoring is even better. E-bikes are great. You can ride to school with ease, and you can ride to undiscovered areas, which is a blast to explore. Theme park are enjoyable, there are rollercoasters everywhere, there is snacks, rides, and stuff you can buy.

Rad Reading September

The book I read in September is called Gym Candy by Carl Dekker. It is a book about a football player trying to get stronger and better at running back. His gym obsession gets out of hand and he find out about steroids. A performance enhancing drug that has some serious side effects like anger issues, growing man boobs, and aggressive behavior. After a while his friends find out and try to stop him.

I love this book because it’s very intense and never bores you. So it’s always a blast to read. The plot is interesting. And it relates to real world problems. So for anybody who loves quick action book I really recommend Gym Candy.

My favorite character has to be the main one: Mick Johnson. Because he is very competitive. A quote from the book to prove this is “they don’t give you gold medals for beating somebody, they give you gold medals for beating everybody” this shows that he is looking for the competition.

“I ended up practicing every single day, just like my dad wanted, but I wasn’t doing it because I thought I had a chance to start. I was doing it because I didn’t know how else to play.” Mick plays and practices hard, almost as if he doesn’t have a choice. It shows how persistent he is in playing football.

Grand Theft Auto 5/GTA5

If I could live in any world I would pick the game GTA5. A reason for this is because you never die. I would love living forever. I can also do virtually anything. It’s really hard to get in trouble in GTA so I’ll be doing some crazy things that I can’t do In the real world. I can be rich too, it’s really easy to get rich in GTA, and who doesn’t want to be rich? These are all the reasons why I would pick GTA.

My Favorite Meal

Just thinking of this meal would make my stomach growl. Kalua pig with rice and poi! I bet you’ve never heard of this before. It’s a Hawaiian delicacy that almost every native Hawaiian has tried at least once. The pig and rice just fit together and dipping it in poi is just perfect. If anybody offers Kalua pig I will eat the whole thing and leave none for the rest of the family to enjoy. It all would be in my tummy.

My Modern House

If I had a dream house I would make it very modern on a mountain. The house would have a football field, Olympic size pool, and a basketball court in the back yard. Every room is at least 15 by 15 meters and the kitchen is 30m wide and 12m long. My bedroom would have the best gaming PC there is and a big bed that fits 6 adults on it for lots of wiggle room. I would have a 2m fish tank filled with lots of exotic fish. I would have an outdoor balcony for every room. The garage would be massive and could fit 6 cars in there. In the garage would be dirt bikes, ATVs, and dirt buggy’s. The garage would also have Rolls Royce’s, Lamborghinis, and Bugattis. The snack cabinet would be filled to the brim with delicious treats from all over the world. I would have personal chefs and butlers to care for my every need. The house is set on the top of the mountain so you could have beautiful views every time you get bored. Then when you want to watch something you could go to the home theater with a 300inch screen and big speakers to really immerse you in the film. This house would be a dream! If only I could actually have a house like that. 🙁

Tahiti Trip

If I could travel anywhere on planet Earth it would be Tahiti because it has warm water, cool beaches, and fun food. The water is really warm and has a reputation for having one of the funnest beaches around. The food is a really good factor too, they have traditional Polynesian cuisine like musubis, loco moco, poke, and many more! They also have really fun vacations where you could boat out into the ocean and do snorkeling. The buildings are ancient like their straw houses and wood canoes. I love Tahiti I hope I could go there soon.

All About Me…

Hi, my name is Tosh. Welcome to my blog. Allow me to introduce myself. I go to a middle school in Santa Ana and I love dogs. My favorite sport is football and Jiu Jitsu. I love spending my off time playing video games. I love watching instagram and TikTok. I have one brother named Dekker and my parents are Jennifer and Jason. I am in seventh grade and my favorite subject is PE. I was born in my home town of Santa Ana. I have lots of friends like Teak, Rocky, Maks, Mason, and Cason. My favorite NFL team is the LA chargers and my favorite club football team is Barcelona. I hope you know more about me now.